Konstfack Degree Exhibition 2014 / Vårutställning 2014

BachelorCeramics & Glass • Linn Sjöstedt

Linn Sjöstedt


“We spend much of our waking time more or less alone, not interacting with anyone. But we are always living with the things that have been produced within our society, things which have a cultural resonance that makes the flow of our lives feel familiar, just as much as language does.”*

I work with materiality in everyday life and the objects that surround us. Anonymous objects, and how we consciously or unconsciously relate to them, interest me. Starting with a ceramic handrail I try to read its biography by enlarging the traces of human use. The traces will lead to different user situations, both based on their intended function and the meaning that humans ascribe to objects. It is also a journey from my foremost tool, the hand, to an object that the hand grabs hold of. An exploration of the hand and the sublimity of tactility.

“We spend much of our waking time more or less alone, not interacting with anyone. But we are always living with the things that have been produced within our society, things which have a cultural resonance that makes the flow of our lives feel familiar, just as much as language does.”*

*Tim Dant


Jag arbetar kring materialiteten i vardagen och de objekt som befinner sig runt oss. De anonyma föremålen och relationen de har till människor, medvetet eller omedvetet, intresserar mig. Utifrån ett handräcke i keramik försöker jag frambringa dess biografi genom att förstora spåren av det mänskliga användandet. Spåren ska leda till olika användarsituationer både utifrån dess tilltänkta funktion och den innebörd som människan kan tillskriva objekten. Det är också en resa från mitt främsta verktyg, handen, till ett objekt tillämpat för handens grepp. Ett utforskande av handen och det sublima i det taktila.